MPU preparation Düsseldorf
MPU counseling Düsseldorf: Medical psychological examination
In cooperation with a certified traffic psychologist, we offer MPU counseling in Düsseldorf. During the preparation, you will be perfectly prepared for the test. In most cases, driving disqualifications occur due to alcohol or drug offenses, aggressive behavior and too many points in Flensburg. A positive report is necessary! You deserve a second chance to get your driver’s license back.

Medical psychological examination
The medical-psychological examination, also known as the “idiot test”, is an in-depth examinationwhich can be ordered if there are doubts about a person’s fitness to drive. It serves to determine whether the driver meets the necessary physical and mental requirements to drive a vehicle safely.

MPU counseling in Düsseldorf with more than 8 years of experience
The preparation offers you a much higher probability of passing the exam. The consultation in Düsseldorf will help you prepare for all questions of the exam! Our experience of more than 8 years is reflected in our success rate! Each case is first received online and in a telephone appointment we look at your problem! Based on all the information, you will receive an assessment and a cost estimate from us! In the consultation at our location in Düsseldorf we will then prepare you for the exam!
Reasons for an MPU
Drink driving offenses
A blood alcohol level of 1.6 per mille or a breath alcohol concentration of 0.8 per mille or more will generally result in a test being ordered.
An investigation is always ordered for drug driving, regardless of the quantity of drugs consumed.
Criminal offenses
Offenses such as hit-and-run, coercion or illegal racing can also result in an investigation.
Frequent traffic violations, a reduction in points in Flensburg or a driving license revocation due to alcohol or drug abuse can also lead to an investigation.
Procedure Düsseldorf
1. medical examination
The doctor examines whether the driver is medically fit to drive a vehicle. Among other things, the driver's eyesight, hearing, reaction speed and cognitive performance are checked.
2. psychological examination
The traffic psychologist conducts an expert consultation with the driver to assess their attitude to road traffic and their willingness to take risks. Topics such as motivation to drive a vehicle, traffic experience and coping with risky situations are discussed.
3. performance test
Drivers must complete various tests to check their ability to concentrate, reaction speed and cognitive performance. These include, for example, reaction tests, concentration tests and computer-based tests.
Our advantages
Simulation of the MPU
Individual preparation Düsseldorf
High success rate
Residual payment of the consultation only after success

Preparation for the MPU:
Preparation courses
In special preparation courses, participants learn how to prepare for the individual parts of the exam.
Traffic psychologist
Our traffic psychologist can help the person concerned to improve their attitude to road traffic and reduce their willingness to take risks.
Everyone deserves a 2nd chance!
Time to get your driver's license back!
Contact us now free of charge using our contact form!
In der Regel zwei bis drei Stunden.
- Drinking and driving offenses: A test is usually ordered for a blood alcohol level of 1.6 per mille or a breath alcohol concentration of 0.8 per mille.
- Drug driving: An investigation is always ordered for drug driving.
- Offenses in road traffic: Offenses such as hit-and-run, coercion or illegal car racing can also result in an MPU.
Conspicuous driving behavior: Frequent traffic violations, a reduction of points in Flensburg or a driving license revocation due to alcohol or drug abuse can also lead to an MPU.
If the result of the medical-psychological examination was positive, a positive MPU report is issued to the driving license office. The driving license office then decides on your fitness to drive on its own responsibility. If you are successful, you will receive your driver’s license, have to take it again or receive permission to take it for the first time.
Those affected choose the assessment center for driving fitness themselves. We work with officially recognized assessment centers.
The driving license file is sent to the selected assessment centre by the driving license authority. Specific questions are asked. After the person concerned has paid the assessment costs, an appointment is made for the assessment.
Am Tag der Begutachtung meldest du dich unter Vorlage deines Personalausweises bei der Begutachtungsstelle an. Bei der Anmeldung werden dir Fragebögen gegeben. Dabei geht es unter anderem um persönliche Verhältnisse und medizinische Fragen, die später dem Verkehrspsychologen, der die Begutachtung vornimmt, ausgehändigt. Bis zum MPU-Termin muss die medizinische und psychologische Vorbereitung abgeschlossen sein und die Belege über Therapie, Abstinenz oder Ähnliches – soweit notwendig – vorgelegt werden.
If you are taking medication due to illness, inform the examining doctor before the tests. In the case of existing illnesses, it is also advisable to submit appropriate certificates.
You must arrive on time for the appointment and be cooperative.
Avoid discussing the purpose of the investigation. Accusations against the police and judiciary and your own justification based on the mistakes of third parties also have a negative effect on the outcome of the investigation.
The MPU costs in Düsseldorf vary greatly depending on the basis of the MPU order. You will receive a cost estimate in a free consultation!