Topic 11 - Behavior in special situations

In the eleventh theory topic of our driving school, we deal with behavior in special situations. This topic is of great importance as it prepares you to react safely and appropriately in unpredictable and challenging traffic situations.

Theoriethema 11 Verhalten in besonderen Situationen

Theory topics

Special weather conditions

Weather-related challenges can have a significant impact on driving safety:

  • Rain: Wet roads increase the risk of aquaplaning. Adjust your speed and keep a greater distance from the vehicle in front.
  • Snow and ice: slippery roads increase the braking distance. Use winter tires and drive with extra caution.
  • Fog: Reduced visibility requires slower driving and the use of fog lights or rear fog lights.
  • Strong wind: Crosswinds can shift the vehicle, especially on bridges or open areas. Hold the steering wheel firmly and be prepared for gusts of wind.

Behavior when encountering emergency vehicles

If you see emergency vehicles with flashing blue lights and sirens:

  • Keep calm: Do not panic.
  • Clear the way: Think quickly about how you can make room for the emergency vehicle without endangering others.
  • Form a rescue lane: Vehicles must form a rescue lane on highways and multi-lane roads.

Behavior at accident scenes

If you come to the scene of an accident or are involved in an accident yourself:

  • Secure the accident site: Switch on hazard warning lights, put on a high-visibility vest and set up a warning triangle.
  • Provide first aid: If necessary and possible, provide first aid.
  • Make an emergency call: Dial 112 and give precise information about the accident location and the situation. ● Pay attention to your own safety: Do not put yourself in danger.

Roadworks and changed traffic routing

Special care must be taken in construction site areas:

  • Reduce speed: Observe the posted speed limits.
  • Pay attention to lanes: Lane narrowings require precise driving and
    and increased attention.
  • Construction site vehicles: Watch out for construction vehicles entering and leaving the site.

Behavior at level crossings

Level crossings are particularly dangerous places:

  • Pay attention to approaching trains: Stop as soon as the flashing lights are switched on.
  • Barriers and signals: Always respect closed barriers and light signals.
  • Never stand still on the level crossing: Before crossing, make sure that you can reach the other side.

Animals on the roadway

In the event of encounters with wild or domestic animals:

  • Adjust your speed: Especially in wooded areas and at dusk.
  • Emergency braking: If animals suddenly appear, brake in a controlled manner.
  • Avoid collision: Evasive maneuvers can be more dangerous than a controlled collision.

Vehicle breakdowns

If your vehicle breaks down:

  • Secure the vehicle: Switch on hazard warning lights, drive onto the hard shoulder if possible.
  • Wear a high-visibility vest: When leaving the vehicle on busy roads.
  • Set up a warning triangle: Place at a sufficient distance behind the vehicle.


Aquaplaning causes your vehicle to lose contact with the road:

  • Do not brake or steer: Release the accelerator pedal and keep the steering wheel straight.
  • Reduce speed: Drive more slowly in heavy rain to prevent aquaplaning.

Skidding and sliding

If your vehicle starts to skid:

  • Stay calm: Do not steer or brake abruptly.
  • Countersteer: Steer in the direction in which the rear end swerves (for vehicles without ESP).

Our concern

We want to prepare you to act confidently and safely in special situations.
to act confidently and safely. By understanding and practicing these scenarios, you can:

  • Avoid accidents: By recognizing risks at an early stage and reacting appropriately.
  • Protect yourself and others: Your safety and that of other road users comes first.
  • Take responsibility: As a driver, you have a special responsibility on the road.


The topic “Behavior in special situations” is an essential part of your driver training. It provides you with the necessary knowledge and skills to act correctly in unexpected or difficult traffic situations.

At our driving school, we attach great importance to imparting this knowledge to you in a practical and understandable way. Together, we will ensure that you not only pass your test, but also become a safe and responsible driver.