Topic 3 - Legal framework

In the third theory topic of our driving school, we deal intensively with the legal framework conditions of road traffic. This knowledge is indispensable for participating safely and responsibly in traffic and complying with legal regulations.

Theoriethema 3 Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen

Theory topics

Basics of traffic law

Road traffic is regulated by a large number of laws and regulations that govern the interaction between all road users:

  • Road Traffic Regulations (StVO): It sets out the general traffic rules, such as priority regulations, traffic signs and speed limits.
  • Road Traffic Act (StVG): It regulates liability and penalties for traffic violations and accidents.
  • Driving License Ordinance (FeV): This sets out the provisions for issuing, withdrawing and reissuing driving licenses.
  • Catalog of fines: This specifies the consequences of violating traffic regulations, such as fines, points in Flensburg or driving bans.

Traffic signs and facilities

Traffic signs and traffic facilities are an essential part of the topic:

  • Traffic signs: Signs and markings that represent instructions, prohibitions or commands.
  • Traffic facilities: Traffic lights, barriers and other systems that control the flow of traffic.

Understanding and correctly interpreting these signs is essential in order to reach your destination safely and avoid traffic violations.

Behavior in different traffic situations

The legal framework also defines the correct behavior in specific situations:

  • Overtaking and passing: Rules on when and how to overtake.
  • Right of way: Who has right of way in which situation and how to behave at junctions.
  • Speed limits: Different maximum speeds apply depending on the vehicle type and road type.
  • Turning, U-turns and reversing: Regulations that ensure the safety of all road users.

Documents and obligations of the driver

Every driver has certain obligations and must always carry certain documents:

  • Driving license: Proof of driving license for the corresponding vehicle category.
  • Vehicle registration certificate (registration certificate part I): Document that identifies the vehicle and confirms the registration.
  • Insurance cover: Compulsory liability insurance to cover damage to third parties.

Sanctions for violations

Failure to comply with the legal regulations can have considerable consequences:

  • Fines and warnings: Financial penalties for minor offenses.
  • Points in Flensburg: Points are entered in the driving aptitude register for serious offenses.
  • Driving bans and driving license revocation: In the event of serious or repeated violations, the driving license can be temporarily or permanently revoked.

Why is this knowledge so important?

Knowledge of the legal framework is not only essential for passing the theory test, but also for daily participation in road traffic:

  • Safety: By following the rules, you protect yourself and other road users.
  • Responsibility: As a driver, you bear a great deal of responsibility for your actions on the road.
  • Avoiding penalties: If you know the rules and comply with them, you avoid fines and other sanctions.


Understanding the legal framework is a fundamental part of driver training. At our driving school, we attach great importance to imparting this knowledge to you in an understandable and practical way. Together, we will ensure that you not only pass your test successfully, but that you are also safe and compliant on the roads.